Hello everyone !
This week's creavity task for our Technology and Materials Design Course is Wikis which are website that allow its users to freely add, delete or modify content. And so we created a wiki page to write a film review. As in the podcast project my partner is Nazife İnan. For the wiki page project we choose a movie "3 Idiots" that both me and Nazife watched fondly in advance. The film is about two friends who are searching for their long lost companion. They revisit their college days and recall the memories of their friend who inspired them to think differently. You can already find more knowledge about the movie in our wiki page clicking here.
This project is really entartaining to me and nazife bacause of watching movie is great delight for us so we worked eagerly to create a wiki page and we had a good time. In these project like wiki, podcast ex. collaboration is definetely helpful to the participants. Since collaboration develops higher level thinking skill and create an environment of active and involved, it promotes a positive attitude toward the subject matter instead of increasing the anxiety about the project. And also it provides a sense of responsibility in individuals.
When I think advantegeous of using wikis in class, based on my experience in wiki page project, I can say a lot of things. Firstly they encourage students to create a fun corner on website to share their interests and matters about lesson and create an opportunity that require students to work together continuously communicating as part of team as they would in the real world and this sitution provide broader perspective thinking among students. Also both teachers and students can read other people's and classes' wikis and this can give ideas and inspiration to them. Briefly wikis are really effective tool to use in class since they provide very different kind of online experience.
I hope you like our wiki page
See you in next project :)
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