10 Mart 2016 Perşembe

Vocaroo Voice Message

Vocaroo Voice Message

Hi everyone!

I'm here to share my first project: Podcasting ! In this project I worked my classmate Nazife İnan and our project is related to creating a rich sound story. Our story is about a magical lake and we created that story according to the A1 level students. In this project, we expreienced some difficulties like creating a different and inventive story, finding suitable sound effects to the mood of the story and also we tried to compose the appropriate story according to the level of learners. In spite of these difficulties, I'm pleased to have a oppurtunity to take part in this project because this task is really helping to inspire both teachers and students. And also instead of the reading activities, using audio materials in the lesson more attrack the attention of learners. So as a teacher of the future I will use podcasting exactly...

Hope you enjoy it :)

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